Royer J, Larivière S, Rodriguez-Cruces R, Cabalo DG, Tavakol S, Auer H, Ngo A, Park BY, Paquola C, Smallwood J, Jefferies E, Caciagli L, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N, Frauscher B, Bernhardt BC (2023) Brain, 146(9): 3923-37. >pdf
Xie K, Royer J, Lariviere S, Rodriguez-Cruces R, de Wael RV, Park BY, Auer H, Tavakol S, DeKraker J, Abdallah C, Caciagli L, Bassett DS, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N, Frauscher B, Concha L, Bernhardt BC (2023) Epilepsia, 64(4): 998-1011. >pdf
Larivière S, Bayrak S, Vos de Wael R, Benkarim O, Herholz P, Rodriguez-Cruces R, Paquola C, Hong SJ, Misic B, Evans AC, Valk SL, Bernhardt BC (2023) Neuroimage, 266:119807. >pdf
Cruces RR, Royer J, Herholz P, Larivière S, Vos de Wael R, Paquola C, Benkarim O, Park BY, Degré-Pelletier J, Nelson MC, DeKraker J, Leppert IR, Tardif C, Poline JB, Concha L, Bernhardt BC (2023) Neuroimage, 263:119612. >pdf
Paquola C, Amunts K, Evans A, Smallwood J, Bernhardt B (2023) TICS, 26(10):873-886. >pdf
Larivière S, Royer J, Rodríguez-Cruces R, Paquola C, ..., Bernasconi N, Bernhardt BC. (2022) Nat Comms, 13(1):4320. >pdf
Park BY, Paquola C, Bethlehem RAI, ... Smallwood J, Bullmore ET, Bernhardt BC (2022) PNAS, 119(27): e2116673119. >pdf
Valk SL, Xu T, Paquola C, Park BY, ..., Smallwood J, Eickhoff SB, Bernhardt BC. (2022) Nat Comms, 13(1):2341. >pdf
Caciagli L, Paquola C, ... Bassett DS, Koepp MJ, Bernhardt BC (2022) Brain, 146(3):935-953. >pdf
Lariviere S, Paquola C, Park B, ..., Sisodiya SM, McDonald CR, Thompson PM, Bernhardt BC (2021). Nature Methods, 18, pages 698–700. >pdf
Park B, Hong S, Valk SL, ..., Yeo BTT, Smallwood J, Bernhardt BC (2021) Nature Communications, 12(2225). >pdf
Li Q, Tavakol S, Toyer J, ..., Smallwood J, Caciagli L, Li S, Bernhardt BC (2021).Brain, 144(8):2486-2498. >pdf
Lariviere S, et al. (2020). Science Advances, 6(47): eabc6457. >pdf
Royer J, Paquola C, Larivière S, ..., Smallwood J, Frauscher B, Bernhardt BC (2020) Neuroimage, Volume 216, 1 August 2020, 116859. >pdf
Vos de Wael R, Benkarim O, Paquola C, ..., Margulies D, Smallwood J, Bernhardt BC (2020) Comms Biol. 3(1):103. >pdf
Paquola C, Vos de Wael R, Wagstyl K, ..., Margulies DS, Smallwood J, Bernhardt BC (2019) PLoS Biology. 2019 May 20;10(1):1022. >pdf
Hong SJ, Vos de Wael R, Bethlehem RAI, ..., Margulies DS, Smallwood J, Bernhardt BC (2019) Nat Commun. 2019 Mar 4;10(1):1022. >pdf
A complete list of publications and citations is available here.
We are always looking for talented and enthusiastic trainees to join our lab! If you are interested in joining, please email us your CV and a cover letter
Boris Bernhardt, PhD Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery Canada Research Chair for Cognitive Neuroinformatics Neuroimaging | Connectomics | Epilepsy | Autism | Neuroinformatics email |
Raul Rodriguez-Cruces, MD PhD FRQS Postdoctoral Researcher, MNI Molson Fellow Epilepsy | Neurodegeneration | Cognition | Multimodal email |
Jordan DeKraker, PhD NSERC Postdoctoral Researcher Hippocampus | Hippocampus | Hippocampus email |
Zhengchen Cai, PhD FRQS Postdoctoral Researcher Epilepsy | Multimodal | EEG-fMRI | Bayesian email |
Nicole Eichert, PhD Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Researcher Structure-function | gradients | evolution | temporal lobe email |
Jessica Royer, D Clin Psy CIHR PhD student Multi-scale | Epilepsy | Limbic System | Connectomics | EEG email |
Yezhou Wang, MSc Hiball PhD student, FRQNT Fellow Gradients | Microstructure | Histology | Multi-scale email |
Judy Chen FRQS MD-PhD student Childhood Epilepsy | Neuroimaging | Machine Learning email |
Ella Sahlas FRQS MD-PhD student Epilepsy | Neuroimaging | Machine Learning email |
Alex Ngo, BSc CIHR PhD student Imaging-Genetics | Connectomics | Epilepsy | Multimodal email |
Hans Auer, BSc FRQS MSc student/br> Multimodal imaging | Connectomics | Histology email |
Jack Lam, MD PhD student/br> Epilepsy | PET | Neurosurgery | Clinical Outcomes email |
Yigu Zhou, MSc MD-PhD student Multimodal | Spatial | Epilepsy email |
Ke Xie, Msc CSC Fellow, PhD student Epilepsy | Functional Imaging | Multimodal email |
Donna Gift Cabalo, Msc FRQS and Savoy Fellow, PhD Studemt Mesiotemporal Lobe | Memory | Functional Imaging email |
Paul Bautin, MSc PhD student Neuroimaging | Structure-function | Autism email |
Youngeun Hwang, Msc IPN-HIBALL PhD student Ultra-high field imaging | Subcortex | Multiscale email |
Arielle Dascal, MSc QBIN PhD student Neuroimaging | Epilepsy | Hubs email |
Meaghan Smith, Bsc CIHR MSc student Ultra-high field imaging | Movies | fMRI email |
Oualid Benkarim, PhD HBHL Postdoctoral Researcher, IVADO Postdoc Entrepreneur AI | Autism | Epilepsy | Machine Learning email |
Shahin Tavakol, Msc CONP PhD student, faculty of medicine fellow Mesiotemporal Lobe | Memory | Functional Imaging email |
Valeria Kebets, PhD TACC Postdoctoral Researcher Now Manager of Machine Learning Projects at Concordia University email |
Bo-Yong Park, PhD FRQS Postdoctoral Researcher Now faculty at INHA University email |
Casey Paquola, PhD FRQS Postdoctoral Researcher Now Postdoc at FZ Julich, Hiball fellow email |
Margie Garber, MSc Rotation PhD student Gradients | Histology | Networks email |
Kristina Song, BSc Undergraduate trainee Multimodal imaging | connectomics | pediatric epilepsy email |
Qiongling Li, PhD Student CSC PhD student (with Beihan U) Hippocampus | fMRI | Memory email |
Janie Degree-Pelletier, Msc Visiting PhD student (supervised by Isabelle Soulieres) Autism | Neuroimaging | Cognition email |
Yifei Wang, MD CSC PhD student (with U Nanjing) Epilepsy | Multimodal | Connectome email |
Reinder Vos de Wael, PhD Now research engineer for CMI North Hippocampus | Neuroinformatics | Functional topography | Dynamics email |
Sara Lariviere, PhD Now Banting Postdoc at Harvard Multiscale | Epilepsy | Brain Development | Connectome email |
Elise Roger, PhD student Visiting student Hippocampus | functional MRI | Epilepsy email |
Yun Lu, MSc PhD student Memory | Mesiotemporal Lobe | Multimodal | Gradients email |
Shelly Yin, BHons Honors student email |
Sophie Haas, BSc Visiting student from U Osnarbueck email |
Alex Lowe, Msc Graduate student, now at U Cambridge email |
Seok-Jun Hong, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher, now faculty at Sungkyunkwan University Brain Development | Connectome | Autism | Machine Learning email |
Brian Hyung, BHons Honors student, now at UoFT Brain Development | Microsture | Diffusion email |
Tabea Haas-Heger, BHons Honors Student now: MD student KC London email |
Zhengge-Wang, MD PhD Visiting Professor now back at Nanjing University email |
Amadeus Kanaan, PhD Visiting Postdoc Max-Planck Institute Leipzig email |
Multimodal Imaging and Connectome Analysis Lab Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital 3801 University Street, Montreal, QC, H3A 2B4, Canada Phone: 514 398 3579